Legislature(1993 - 1994)

05/02/1994 10:15 AM Senate FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 2(RLS)                                                 
       An Act  requiring drug and alcohol tests for school bus                 
  Co-chair Pearce directed that CSHB 2 (RLS) be brought on for                 
  discussion  and  referenced  the House  Judiciary  Committee                 
  letter of  intent, scheduling  request, sectional  analysis,                 
  Dept. of  Education position paper  in support of  the bill,                 
  correspondence and resolution in support, and a $99.0 fiscal                 
  note from the Dept. of Education.                                            
  MIKE  HEIMBUCH, aide to Representative Phillips, came before                 
  committee.  Several  of the  committee members advised  that                 
  they  reviewed  the  legislation in  either  Senate  HESS or                 
  Senate  Judiciary and were familiar with the bill.  Co-chair                 
  Pearce asked if anyone wished to  testify.  No testimony was                 
  Senator Jacko MOVED that CSHB 2 (RLS) come before  committee                 
  with individual recommendations.   No objection having  been                 
  raised, CSHB 2  (RLS) was REPORTED  OUT of committee with  a                 
  $84.0 fiscal note  from the  Dept. of  Education.   Co-chair                 
  Pearce and Senators  Jacko, Kelly, Rieger, and  Sharp signed                 
  the  committee  report  with  a  "do  pass"  recommendation.                 
  Senator Kerttula signed "no rec."  Co-chair Frank was absent                 
  from the meeting and did not sign.                                           

Document Name Date/Time Subjects